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•   Stan Williams (Williams)  7/12
•   Margaret Gay Klumpp (Gamwell)  7/6
•   Gary G. Alford  6/26
•   Dana Burke (Gailey)  6/25
•   Dennis Moser  6/25
•   Joseph A. Mc Clintock  6/24
•   Linda D. Freed (Klinger)  6/23
•   Betty J. Sandel (Wheeldon)  6/11
•   Shelley Sherman  6/4
•   Linda Denson (Pulscher)  5/27
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

6 live in Alabama
1 lives in Alaska
6 live in Arizona
4 live in Arkansas
1 lives in Armed Forces Europe
17 live in California
10 live in Colorado
11 live in Florida
7 live in Georgia
1 lives in Iowa
2 live in Kansas
2 live in Kentucky
4 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Maryland
3 live in Massachusetts
2 live in Michigan
2 live in Mississippi
3 live in Missouri
1 lives in Nebraska
2 live in New Jersey
2 live in New Mexico
4 live in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
5 live in Ohio
6 live in Oklahoma
2 live in Oregon
1 lives in Rhode Island
1 lives in Tennessee
394 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
5 live in Virginia
3 live in Washington
2 live in West Virginia
1 lives in Albania
1 lives in Algeria
1 lives in Angola
1 lives in Egypt
1 lives in France
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Italy
17 location unknown
88 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Spring Woods High School
Class Of 1969

Please contact us with any information on any of your fellow graduates that you stay in contact with or that you know of where they are. Do not assume we know where everyone is. We would like to be in contact with all graduates. copyright materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part by persons, organizations or corporations without the prior written permission of the webmaster of this website. 


© 2024 Lyle/Judy Harris - Webmasters,  All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.




In order to protect the security and privacy of our website, copying any textual material or photos of any members from our website onto any other forum (MySpace, Facebook, etc.) is a copyright infringement.  

Welcome to the Spring Woods High School Class Of 1969 web site.


Lynda Hancock  7/28
Bruce A. Garrett  7/29
George Sebek Jr.  7/30
Steve Wyatt (1967)  7/30
Kevin Henry  8/1
James D. Burg  8/5
Judy Kay (Harris)  8/9
Pamela K. Fridrich  8/11
Pamela Rush (Rush)  8/11
Linda Hampton  8/21
Lyn Lye (Thomas)  8/21
Shelley Sherman  8/21

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