Missing Classmates

                Won’t you volunteer to help finding our MIA’s?


A                                 B                                 C                                 D  Bill Dejong

E                                  F                                 G                                 H

I                                   J                                 K                                 L

M  Linda R Fowler          N                                 O                                 P

Q                                 R                                 S  Scott Smith              T

U                                 V                                 W                                 X

Y                                 Z

Bill Dejong is using the link below to find our Classmates.  However, some names may have 

multiple possibilities. If you use this site or another one like it, please call them to verify that 

it is our Classmate before sending the information to me.  Most of us have cell phones that are

able to call all over the US without incurring long distance charges.  I would appreciate getting 

updated verified information on our Classmates.


Elizabeth E. Allen (Tuxhorn)
Michael S. Amburn
Dawn Arrington (Haney)
G. Stephen Arthur
Diane Badgett (Filip)
Debbie Bailey
Kathleen Bailey (Borne)
Susan G. Baker (King)
Curtis G. Barber
Bill A. Barney
John Bartlett
James D. Boid
James D. Boone
Donald Paul Bosworth Jr.
Diane K. Bowman (Nika)
Patrick F. Bradley
Michael B Brown
Sue M. Browning (Burgess)
Wanda "Sunee" Buckley
Kathleen Butler (Gould)
John Campbell
Ronald W. Cangemi
Patricia M. Caperton (Herrera)
Kathleen A. Carmichael
Douglas A. Carpenter
Mark Chaney
Kathleen Daphie Colleton (Kent)
Thomas M. Conlon
Martha Cook (Robinson)
Catherine K. Cox
Paul Stuart Crandall
Stephen R. Crane
Barry L. Cromeans
Meredeth Crossley
Nancy Culwell
Robert Bob Cunningham Jr.
Rosemary "Muff" Curry (Hartung)
Lynn Kaye Dallmann (Simcak)
Mark Daniels
Quinton Darnell
Cathi Davis
Robert L. Davis
William Bill Benson Davis
Denise DE Cuir (Mosher)
Jean A. Dehls
Mary Kay Derkowski (Stepchinski)
Karen Dexter
Cheryl Dobbs (Chandler)
Mike Dorsey
Steven Downie
Susan Duff (Fritsche)
Joseph M. Dumas
Melanie Dunkin (Wiltshire)
Rebecca Jean Durden (Dorsey)
Janet R. Duren (Dorsey)
Richard G. Edmonds
Susan M. Egloff (Montgomery)
Stanley T. Emmons
Joyce L. Fenter
Robert Randy Fielder
Valerie Fink (Perales)
Robert M. Fox
Ramond Franks
Thomas C. Fuqua Jr.
Maria Garcia
Renee S. Garrison (Jahnke)
Charles George
Michael T. Gibson
Carol A. Gilbert (Stockton)
Walter Danny Gill
Gregory K. Glasgow
Mary R. Gloyna (Campbell)
Letitia Gohlke (Duncan)
Mary H. Greenwood
Yvonne L. Grissom (Knight)
Tony A. Guillot
Judith C. Hander (Wade)
Ronald Hanley
Tommy Gene Harkness
Edward S. Haroldson
Kathy L. Harrell (Rippey)
Bonnie Harris
David Harrison
Kimbert L. Hayley
Jesse J. Haynes Jr.
Clyde C. Hays III
Kay Elizabeth Helmick (Hartman)
Michael L. Hilmes
Mike Hoff
Phillip W. Hood
David A. Horn
Steven M. Howland
John D. Humphrey
Cynthia A. Hunter (Beniretto)
Carolyn A. Jessop
Dub Jones
William H. Jones Jr.
Rick Jordan
Thomas K. Kaptain
Phil Kee
Mary Sherri Kelly
Michael A. Kelly
Gary J. Kiljan
Barbara J. Kilough
Sharon L. Kopesky
Christi P. Krauthamer (Bryden)
Kathy Anne Kraye
Deborah Lanyon (Finn)
Phil Lee
Carol Ann Loveland
Terry A. Lovett
James Rusty L. Lowe
Paul D. Lowe
Sally "Sandee" A. Mac Leod
Dianne E. Machac (Bartash)
James W. Mahrer
Timothy J. Mahrer
Cynthia A. Manning (Wright)
Mike Maybin
Terresa Mayes (Tankersley)
Jack R. Mc Anelly
Donald R. Mc Clenan
Florence Mc Gowan
Carol M. Mc Kinney
Cheryl Mc Millian (Flocchini)
Suzanne L. Merrill (Stockdon)
Phillip N. Metzinger
Robert L. Meyers
Kathy A. Millegan (Ahrens)
Cynthia A. Miller
Danny Miller
Jenny L. Miller
Cindy Morgan
Tommie A. Murray
Shari L. Musarra (Davis)
Levett Navarro (Camarena)
Richard R. Neale
Betty Jane Neidner (Steele)
Geraldine K. Neil
Carl Clifton Nelius Jr.
Diane Nelson (Millington)
Linda Nelson (Catchings)
Robert A. Nipper Jr.
Susan P. Oakes
Patricia L. Osborne (Hatch)
Susan Osborne (Stark)
Andrew A. Palmer
James R. Parker
Mark R. Parks
Deborah Peregrine
Bob Phelan
John B. Phillips
Sam H. Philpot Jr.
Robert Bob R. Pierce
Kevin O. Pohlmann
Connie Popp (Goodson)
Judith Presley (Wieser)
James R. Price
Timothy Price
Janet Rackley
Larry D. Reichle
Zeb V. Reinhardt
Sherrill "Sherri" L Rice (Groome)
Richard A. Rivera MD
Michael G. Robberson
Marsha U. Roberts
Nancy E. Robertson (Wood)
Charles A. Rockenbaugh
Rudy Rodriguez
J Michael Rushing
Thomas M Russo
Richard L. Salmon Jr.
John Tom Sams
Thomas F. Schilz
Donald R Schuetze
Dale L. Scott
Betty L. Shirey (Dobbins)
S Avey Shrum
Danny P Sit
David P. Sit
James R. Smith
Rodney Irvin Spell
Karl L. Spence
Nancy J Spencer
Steve C. Spilker
Jacquelyn M Standifer (Howard)
Linda J. Steadman (Arrington)
William Terry Steigelman
Patricia E. Stokes
Tommy L. Stover
Randy K. Sumrall
Bradley S. Sutton
Doug Swenson
Gregory P. Symes
Paula J. Taliaferro (Trinca)
Joan K. Thompson
Linda J. Thorn (Swords)
William Pat Tinker
Debby Toney
Rickey L. Travis
Nancy Julia Turner (Miller)
Craig C. Tutt
Sharon Anne Valites (Lee)
Karen O VAN Fossan (Post)
Roger Lee Vernon
Mark A. Voisard
Douglas M. Ware
Viveka "Vickie" I. Warren (Barnett)
Deborah J. Webb
Judy A. Weber (Matusek)
Greg A. White
Roberta Whitford (Cox)
Cynthia J. Whitley (Zindler)
Sandra J. Williams (Rambo)
Candy Wright (Borden)
Michael S Yarborough
Stephen P. Zigrang

Guest Members

Candy Coley (1970) (Springs)
Rosemary "Muff" Curry (Hartung)
Mike Flanagan (1966)
Marilyn Gay (1970) (Bettencourt)
Nick Hall (1967)
Phil Lawshe
Glenn Maglicco (1967)
Sandra Mc Neil (1970) (Hine)
Debbie Nichols (1970)
Ed Sauer (1970)
David Thompson
Katie Witt (1970) (Reissig)
Delaine Worley (1971) (Litman)
Mitchell Wu (1973)