Debi Marshall (Cooke)
Judy and all are ROCK STARS!!!!! I am not sure how we can thank you enough for all you do not only right around the reunion, but all year long to make it all happen!! I had so much fun visiting with so many of you all....Louise Wells, Linda Freed and Debbie Fant, I am so sorry to have missed visiting with you all...there were a few others....makes me sad I will probably have to wait for 5 more years to catch up in person!
Keith Harker....I am fixing you up with my girlfriend...need e-mail or phone #...mine is
Carolyn, Carlene, Dana~you all ROCK! Had the best slumber party in years....the couch was pretty comfy!! Linda Denson & Dana for allowing me to tag along from Dallas and back....I think we solved all the problems of the world, so if any of you need help....well, on second thought, don't call will take a little deciphering and translation! But we sure had fun trying to figure out life!
Everyone I visited with has such a wonderful and unique story! Our journeys are different, yet somehow they have been influenced by our class mates in ways we probably can not even express....Thanks to all who shared your lives and life stories. There were so many who I was expecting to our 50th, you better be there because you were missed!
Let's be sure to stay in touch! Did someone make sure Tommy D. got home safely??? Love, love, debi.